Woman suffering from nasal congestion holding nose
Woman suffering from nasal congestion holding nose



Some people prefer sprays, some prefer tablets. But sprays and tablets work in slightly different ways and it's important to consider the different effects of the product. Below are some differences to consider when choosing between a spray and tablets.

As sprays are applied directly to your nasal passage, they begin to work in the affected area instead of travelling around your body, like a tablet does.Tablets work by travelling through your digestive system before entering your blood stream to treat the cause of your congestion. That's why sprays begin to work within 5-10 minutes, whereas tablets can take up to thirty minutes2 to begin working.3 Otrivin nasal sprays are also long-lasting, lasting up to 10 hours, which can be beneficial if you only want to use the medication once daily.

Why Sprays Work Faster than Tablets

1 Eccles R. “Over the counter medicines for colds.” In: Common Cold. Eccles R & Weber O, eds. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser Verlag; 2009.

2 Otrivine Adult Nasal Spray. Emc. Available from https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/6155/smpc (Accessed 10 July 2018).

3 Pseudoephedrine (Professional Patient Advice). Drugs.com. Available from https://www.drugs.com/ppa/pseudoephedrine.html (Accessed 10 July 2018).


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